Our next Community Litter Pick is with Russell Lower School PTA on Saturday 16th October. Our equipment station is open 1.30pm to 3.30pm to loan out sticks, hoops and hi-vis gilets. We’re in the Russell Lower School Reception Class playground, accessed off Saunders Piece, MK45 2TD. Please register using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdn9jC_AtYLZQjyhybSrLUdDmnLyZg-bQwAAVpoQKTcE40PgA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Joining in with a community litter pick does more than help clean up our streets. It helps younger children understand a bit about their own responsibilities and shows us grown ups just how much waste we generate day after day. Past litter picks have shown us how long plastic waste, like crisp packets and drink bottles, can persist in the environment.

Come along and go foraging for waste for 10 minutes or a half an hour – every action counts!

Disposable gloves provided, but it’s better if you can bring your own heavier/gardening style gloves. Make sure young children hand wash thoroughly at home after the event.

Please keep our volunteers safe at the equipment station by observing social distancing, mask wearing, and using hand sanitiser.

Keep safe whilst litter picking by wearing gloves, taking care near roads, avoiding dense vegetation and leaving  broken glass and other sharps. You can report these to CBC on the Fix My Street app.

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