We’re working with Russell Lower School PTA to hold another popular Litter Pick event for this year’s Great British Spring Clean. We hope you can find a bit of time to come along with the kids, dogs and your enthusiasm to help keep our community clean and raise awareness about waste and litter.
Our Event:
WHEN? Saturday 25th March from 1.30 to 3.30pm – Come for half an hour, or as long as you can spare.
WHERE? Russell Lower School (Saunders Piece Entrance), MK45 2TD
WHAT’S PROVIDED? Litter pickers, hoops, bags, hi-vis gilets, disposable gloves, hand sanitiser, first aid station and appreciation!
WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING? Gloves please! We will have disposable ones , but better if you have your own gardening type gloves.
DO I NEED TO REGISTER? Please register if you can – by 17th March – on this link: https://forms.gle/PNKuKgekP85SJuU7A That helps us ensure there’s enough equipment and means we can keep you in touch if there any changes. You’re still welcome to come along even if you haven’t registered.
CAN I BRING A DOG? Yes – lots of people bring dogs along to our litter picks – however they can’t be brought into the school playground where we’re handing out equipment.
ANYTHING ELSE I NEED TO KNOW? Please read through the advice from Keep Britain Tidy at Clean-up preparation and safety advice | Keep Britain Tidy As a litter picking volunteer you are covered by Ampthill Town Council Public Liability Insurance
Equipment for our event is borrowed from The Big Beds Clean Up https://www.facebook.com/BigBedsCleanUp/ and Share: Flitwick and Ampthill https://shareflitwickandampthill.org/